2011-2012 Life Coach Road Trip
You may be wondering what is up with the big blue bus and the 2011-2012 road trip. I am sure you have never seen anything like this. Authors have book signing tours and politicians have road trips, but this is different, this is unique.
Hello, my name is Jeff Wasserman and I am starting the 2011-2012 Life Coach Road Trip. My idea for a road trip came to me many years ago, but with running a business or two, dabbling in real estate development and public speaking, I had limited time to follow my dream.
In 2010, when I turned 50, I decided to take my own advice and pursue my dream, the dream or vision to buy a RV and take Life Coaching on the road. The concept is simple, take the bus and go out and offer coaching to those who need it most. My focus is on promoting Life Coaching and the how it can help you.
I launched my radio show, Life Coach Radio and hope to host my show on the road.
I love the idea of pulling up to a diner or coffee shop and set up shop. It is a unique idea and most people I speak with are very interested to find out more about Life Coaching and how it can help them.
In June, July and August 2011, the Life Coach Bus will be in the Atlanta area. I hope to host my radio show one or two days a week, on location.
In September 2011, after Labor Day the bus will take off for Las Vegas, and then in November head to Las Angeles Convention Center for Blogworld 2011. The bus will return to Georgia in March 2012, at which time it will travel the east coast.
If you are a Life Coach and looking for that ground floor opportunity, looking to make a difference in the Life Coaching profession, now is the time to get involved in the road trip. Please contact Jeff at 800-841-8776 for more information.
If you own or manage a business and wish to have the Life Coach Bus visit your business, please call Jeff. We will do our best to include your location on our itinerary.
This has been a life long dream or vision for me. I want to bring Life Coaching to those who need it most. I want to promote the benefits of Life Coaching. I am not out looking for clients or trying to sell a product, I am promoting the entire coaching profession.
Looking forward to meeting you in the near future.
Jeff Wasserman